I'm delighted to announce that the wedding video of Lisa and Alan is complete and awaiting final transfer to DVD. Check out the trailer below. All new wedding videos will have trailers uploaded to my YouTube account, so head on over and have a browse!
Hello Instagram
It has been pretty exciting setting up an Instagram account, and now it is done and you can glimpse some of the frozen moments from my wedding videos. Click on the social media link for Instagram at the bottom of the page to view my profile.
2016 Showreel
Here is my latest wedding showreel in sparkling 4K resolution. The reel showcases the stunning aerial footage that is now available, my own style of cinematography and how the two types of camera work can blend together. Watch, enjoy and share! Feel free to leave a comment.
First Blog Post!
Welcome to my new blog for all things wedding video related! Here I will post content on weddings I have shot, future projects, and also special features on my process from planning to post production!